From Ancient Greece and Rome. From Egypt even before the time that the pharaohs walked the earth. In the lands of Persia, and Summeria, India and even the far north where the frost giants dwelled and were home to the Norse people, up to relative modern times of the American Indian Nation. Myths, legends spanning the great sands of time have been passed down and persisted in one form or another to spur the current inhabitants of this great earth to action, to compel humanity forward, to revitalize and inspire with such stories and tales geared towards a forward momentum and to take that next step towards self creation, picking up where evolution left off and lend a hand in our own unfoldment. Beginning from the microcosm of personal expression to the great macrocosm of the human race consciousness that in one instance threw off the notion that the sun revolved around the earth and embraced the opposite logical paradigm that in fact the earth revolves around the sun.
The Hero’s Journey is not always as dramatic as the Journeys that Nicolaus Copernicus or Galileo Galilei undertook to change the world view of an earth centered solar system. These stories and many like them, are now accepted as fact with the scientific evidence to prove such claims and have rightly earned their place in the history books; books our children learn from and develop their own world view. A hero’s journey can be as simple a goal as quiting smoking,or setting out to obtain a degree. More often than not the hero’s journey embarks with a simple change in perception that begins on an individual level and thus convinced of its legitimacy inspires others, who in turn inspire still more until the ripple becomes a wave of change. That wave transforms into a tsunami, creating in its wake such an alteration in current view as to shift the perception of the entire world as we have come to know it.
From the ashes of flawed or misguided thinking and dogmatic beliefs, from the very depths of that fallen mangled heap of broken ideology emerges a new paradigm to guide us onward; a new world that not only sets in motion the way in which we interact with this new creation but completely transforms our entire world view; demystifying, and illuminating our understanding, enabling the restructuring of the building blocks that are contained within us, within the very core of humanity.
Our world view thus changed, with knowledge gleaned, a more accurate picture now comes into focus. We then create new stories that will be passed down to our children and generations to follow. Stories that will offer them stable footing to climb and attain new heights of understanding, which they in turn will then pass down to future generations long after we our gone.
We toss the word “Truth” around so often now-a-days, to describe things that are obviously anything but the truth, that the word has all but lost its meaning. Truth is malleable. What one considers the truth to be today will not necessarily be the case tomorrow or at some point in the future. Truth is self evolving until it reaches its own conclusion; a perfect reflection of itself. Truth is then absolute, infallible, undeniable and self-evident. However, before that new reality can manifest itself and emerge as a new creation, old installations must need be destroyed. Only then can a new, static, stable reality be grasped.
This is why Myths and legends exist at all. Their reason for being, to encourage and inspire people and even whole nations to undertake the journey; to not simply be satisfied with what was or what is, but to reach for what could be…!